Benefits of a Corporate Trustee

Benefits of a Corporate Trustee

Whether your trust includes 401(k), pension or personal wealth assets, LeTort Trust provides a level of impartiality that family members, friends or employees cannot.

As an independent trust company, LeTort Trust is held to the highest levels of fiduciary accountability. Since we offer no proprietary investment products, we offer truly objective, unbiased investment management. Our sole focus is to act in the interest of clients, their employees and families. We sit on the same side of the table as you, always aligning our goals with yours.

We also collaborate on your behalf with your accountants, attorneys and other advisors to make sure that all parties are working together for the benefit of you, your company and your family.

The LeTort Trust team has more than 100 years of experience in the administration and investment management of trusts. We handle everything required by trust documents accurately and prudently.

LeTort Trust is subject to many levels of oversight from internal auditors, outside auditors and government regulators. As an independent trust company, we are regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Banking. The rules and oversight protect trust beneficiaries.

We are bound by the terms of your trust document and will administer your trust as it is written. Decisions are always made without bias.

LeTort Trust’s network of other advisors is comprised of qualified professionals who are well versed on trust law, tax implications and regulatory changes that can impact a trust. We remain objective by not accepting any referral fees for working with outside advisors.

Peace of Mind
Beneficiaries can rest soundly by knowing we will always make impartial decisions that make the most sense for you and your trust.

Tax Management
LeTort Trust not only handles your trust properly and accurately from a tax perspective; we apply the best tax strategies for you. We also assume responsibility for filing tax returns required for the trust.

Manage Fiduciary Risk
We are held to the highest fiduciary standards and provide safety and security.